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Springtime with Politics and Shad

April 21, 2011

SFCG Director of Communications, Susan Koscis (left) and Glenda Booth in a Washington Post photo taken at yesterday’s Shad Planking in Virginia.

SFCG Communications Director, Susan Koscis, joined leading Virginia politicians at the annual Shad Planking in Wakefield, Virginia yesterday. The event began in the 1930’s as a small social gathering of rural Virginia men. It took its name from the bony shad that are nailed to a plank and cooked over an open fire. The event has been a staple of Virginia political life for over six decades.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) was there and spoke enthusiastically about the efforts of the so-called “Gang of Six,” of which he is one. This group of three Democrat and three Republican senators are working together to come up with a sustainable budget proposal. Susan said she admired what Sen. Warner had to say about the importance of bipartisan action. Before leaving he told the people surrounding him that regardless of political persuasion his advice to people is “try to find candidates who can 1) read a budget and 2) who are rational.”

Read the Washington Post article on the event here!

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