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SFCG Nepal Staff Invited to World Bank

April 19, 2011
by sfcg

Pradip Pariyar, Media Manager SFCG Nepal

Our Nepal Media Manager, Pradip Pariyar was recently invited to take part in the World Bank’s annual Spring Meeting as one of ten youth leaders selected.

This year young people (all under 35) have come from ten different countries, including Egypt, Yemen, and Tunisia. The World Bank selects the participants from countries they work in, based on consultations with different stakeholders.  Pradip, 29, was surprised, but honored when he received his invitation.

Pradip has worked with SFCG for nearly five years, but he has long been involved with youth leadership and empowerment.  In his school days he was part of the Junior Youth RedCross Circle and in was involved with college politics and student leadership in college.

In addition to his work with SFCG, Pradip is also President of the Association of Youth Organizations of Nepal, an umbrella group organization of various Nepali groups working toward a shared agenda. That agenda includes policy level advocacy and building the capacity of youth organizations and young people.

His commitment to working with young people was strengthened when he traveled to remote districts of Nepal for his work with SFCG and saw widespread unemployment. Among younger children, it seemed that going back and forth to school was their only activity, with limited opportunities toe explore other interests. But they all had dreams, Pradip found, they were just unsure how to achieve them and disillusioned that such achievement was even possible. Now, he felt, was the right time to engage with and invest in youth and to this end he had advocated for youth focused policies at the government level.

“Our work is a teabag in the ocean,” Pradip says when asked about his impact. Complex problems are not going to be solved overnight but you must begin somewhere. “But it is still creating some impact. By helping young people to see that they are needed to build their society we are supporting the healing process,” he says.

We congratulate Pradip on his prestigious opportunity and are sure that he’ll take away even more ideas and skills!

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