Iran has welcomed an offer of talks with six world powers over its nuclear programme, state television says. Last week the six – US, Russia, China, France, UK and Germany – said that they were inviting Tehran for talks. The group’s statement also reaffirmed its members’ commitment to a “dual track” strategy, promising economic and political assistance if Iran agreed to international demands to halt uranium enrichment operations, but tighter sanctions if it did not.
Question to the Blogosphere: Can negotiations be successful when there is not a search for common ground? In this case, do you think that the countries are coming together to build relationships or to see how much power they can pull from one side or the other? Do you think Iran is genuine in its wish to hold talks with six major powers of the world or do you think the fact that the news appeared on state television could mean that Iran wants to look progress without actually having to be progressive? Do you think Iran will respond more to positive inducements to change their behavior in favor of the West or punishments for bad actions?